Built on six years of dedicated work by partners across Utah, Trauma-Informed Utah (TIU) was formally established as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization in May 2021. TIU is dedicated to improving the well-being of current and future generations of Utah families by incorporating new knowledge on mitigating trauma and its impacts, strengthening those providing it, and growing community resilience.
To transform Utah into a fully trauma-informed state with organizations and communities that realize the widespread impact of trauma and foster community resilience while strengthening the ability of Utah’s workforce to grow and thrive.
A Utah that recognizes the impact of adversity on our children, families, and workforce and actively works to build resilience across generations.
Guiding Principles
- Trauma-Informed Approach: The trauma-informed approach is applicable in all settings, including within TIU
- Accessibility: TIU serves the entire state in content and presence
- Sustainability: A stable funding base is necessary to support sustainability
- Evidence-based: Programs, policies, and practices are built on the best available knowledge/evidence base
- Accountability: Establish outcome measures to evaluate work quality and impact
- Community-driven: TIU supports the work of others and is responsive to evolving needs identified by the community
Our Financial/In-Kind Supporters
Our Community Partners
- Davis County Health Department
- Davis Head Start
- Governor's Office of Families
- Multicultural Counseling Center
- Prevent Child Abuse Utah
- Rape Recovery Center
- Student Services, San Juan County
- The Children's Center Utah
- United Way of Salt Lake
- Utah Community Action
- Utah Community Builders
- Utah Department of Health and Human Services
- Utah First Lady's Initiative
- Utah Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
- Utah PTA
- Utah State University Social Work