Kim Fischer

Kim Fischer

Board Member

Kim Fischer is the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Communication for

Kim is an award-winning journalist who, prior to working with the team, reported and anchored in large cities across the country, such as Dallas, San Antonio, and Salt Lake City. For 16 years, Kim amplified the voices of survivors of abuse and sexual violence while raising awareness about these crimes. In 2017, the Alliance for Women in Media awarded Kim the Gracie Award for Best Hard News Reporting. She was also recognized as a 2018 Child Advocate of the Year by Prevent Child Abuse Utah.

As the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Communication, Kim works with an incredibly talented team to create internal and external messaging, branding, advertising, and public relations strategies that inform communities about her not-for-profit programs through a lens of inclusivity and caring. Every community is different, and works to meet the needs of individual communities so every child succeeds.